10 Top Robot Vacuums for Google Home

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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If you are looking for the perfect gift for your Google Home owner, why not get them a robot vacuum? These vacuums make cleaning easy and fun. And who doesn’t want another robot that they can command by voice?

We have compiled a list of the top 10 robot vacuums that work with Google home.

1) Ecovacs Deebot N79S – This is one of the best models on the market, and it works flawlessly with Google Home. The model is equipped with smart sensors that allow it to avoid obstacles in its path as well as stairs. It also has dual mode virtual walls which allow you to set up boundaries so it only cleans certain areas of your house!

Available on Amazon.

2) Shark ION Robot Vacuum R85 – This ION robot vacuum is a top seller on Amazon and other online retailers, and for good reason. It has smart sensors just like the Ecovacs Deebot, but it also has an extra feature – a dustbin that can be emptied without having to touch the dirt! It has anti-collision sensors and auto-cleaning modes so you can set it and forget it. The vacuum also comes with a remote control for those times when you need to manually clean specific areas.

Check it out and see what you think.

best robots for your home

3) The Roomba 960 is another great choice for Google Home owners. This model comes with WiFi connectivity so you can control it from anywhere in your house. It might not be the most feature-packed option on the list, but it gets the job done and does it very well.

See if the 960 is the best option for your home.

vacuums with google home

4) The Roomba 980 is even better – it comes with all the features and benefits of the 960 but it also has automatic Dirt Detect Technology which senses where the dirtiest areas of your floor are and spends more time cleaning them!

Purchase it now and start downsizing your chore list.

5) Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum is a great option if you are looking for a robot vacuum that can work with Google Home and has several other features. It has 12 sensors that help it navigate around your house, and it can be controlled with an app on your phone. Plus, the vacuum has a dustbin that can hold up to 0.65 liters of dirt!

Available on Amazon

Ilife with google home

6) The ILIFE A80 robot vacuum is a budget-friendly choice for those who want a Google Home robot vacuum. It has an anti-collision sensor and strong suction power to help it clean all types of dirt, dust, and debris from your floors.

Check out the A80 and see what users have to say about it.

Eufy vacuum google home

7) The Eufy RoboVac 11 is another great budget option that works with google home. This model can hold up to 0.71 liters worth of dirt and features HEPA filtration so you know the air inside your house will be cleaner after it’s done vacuuming!

I recommend the slim version.

Neato with google home

8) The Neato Botvac D80 is another great robot vacuum that can be controlled with Google Home. It has a large dustbin capacity (0.70 liters), and it’s specially designed to pick up pet hair!

POWERbot R7040

9) The Samsung POWERbot R7040 Robot Vacuum is perfect for those who have allergies or pets. It comes with a special filter that captures 99% of particles as small as 0.03 microns, so you know the air in your home will be cleaner after it’s done vacuuming!

Buy your Powerbot now.

best robot vacuum 2022

10) The iRobot Roomba S9 is one of the best google home compatible robot vacuums. It has a 3-stage cleaning system that sucks up dirt, dust, and pet hair from your floors. The google home integration allows you to control it with voice commands.

Purchase my top pick, here.

What Is The Best Robot Vacuum For Google Home?

That is a tough question, because it really depends on a few factors.

  • What floor types you have
  • Do you have pets?
  • What is your budget?

If money is no object than I am going with the iRobot S9 or S9+, hands down. That is one of my favorite robot vacuums on the market and it has been since it debuted. 

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Why We Like Google Home

Google Home is a voice-activated speaker designed to do a wide variety of tasks. The google home assistant has google apps and google services built-in, so every google device you may have can connect via WiFi.

You can ask google home to tell you the weather, play music for your party, keep track of your family’s schedule or cooking time. Connect it with IFTTT or another developer’s service so it tells you when newly released games are available on store shelves! With all these features, google home is honestly just like having an entire office in one small item.

How To Set Up Your New Google Home

Here is a quick guide on how to set up your new Google Home.

1. Pick a google home

2. Connect google home to wifi

3. Download the google home app on your phone and sign in

4. Follow the instructions for setting up google assistant

5) Set up google assistant with google account and voice match so it recognizes your voice

6) Start using google assistant! It can help you set reminders, play music, control lights, and, of course, run your new robot vacuum cleaner.

Robot vacuums are a great way to keep your floors clean without all the hassle. If you want google home compatible robot vacuum, there are plenty of options for you! We hope this article helped you find the perfect google home compatible robot vacuum cleaner for your needs.

Thanks for reading!

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Ryan Sneltzer