Are Robot Pool Cleaners Worth It?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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Nothing is better than a nice cool dip in your swimming pool on a hot summer day. What isn’t as much fun or at all relaxing? Remembering to clean and actually cleaning your pool each day.

On top of that, some how moving that little net around or pushing that floor vacuum on a stick just doesn’t seem to get the job done.

Luckily, there is another option out there. Hire a robot to do it!

So this brings us to today’s big question – Are Robot Pool Cleaners Worth It? Let’s DIVE into it!

What Is a Robotic Pool Cleaner?

If you are reading this, then I am sure you at least know the basics. But, for those that may be new to the world of backyard swimming pools, let’s start simple and explain just what exactly a robot pool cleaner is.

A robot pool cleaner is exactly what it sounds like. It is a robotic device, powered by an electric motor that cruises around the bottom of your pool, sucking and cleaning as it goes.

It is not that different than the standard Pressure-Side Pool Cleaner, which is what you probably have seen at your friend’s house. These are the most common pool cleaning systems out there.

The robot version just goes a bit farther, making the pool cleaning process much simpler, by automating it for you.

There are various types of pool cleaning robots. Some are made for above-ground pools, while others work best for in-ground pools.

Tip: most will work just fine for either above or in-ground pool options.

Some robot pool cleaners are able to climb the walls and clean the water line. This area is known to built up extra crud and residue, so it is great to have a robot that can remove that.

are pool cleaning robots worth it?

How Robot Pool Cleaners Work

The electric motor powers the small pool cleaning bot as it moves around the bottom of your pool, cleaning and sucking as it goes.

Depending on the brand and model, your pool robot will use hard rubber wheels or a version of tracks to make its way around your pool.

As the robotic pool cleaner moves around your pool, rotating or scrubbing brushes will work to break lose any dirt or algae from the pool’s surfaces.

The debris is then sucked into the pool bot, where it will pass through a system of filters that work to clean the water. The clean water passes through the filter, while the dirt and debris is trapped inside.

Each robot has some from of internal chamber that holds on to the gunk, so you can empty it out.

Tracks Vs Wheels On Robot Pool Cleaners

robotic pool cleaners

When it comes to robot pool cleaners, you basically have 2 choices for how they get around in your pool. You can go with a robot that has tracks or one that uses wheels.

Usually, the robotic pool cleaners that use tracks are better at climbing walls and steps in your pool. 

For me, I also find tracks easier to remove and clean than the standard 4 wheel models.

If you don’t really need your pool bot to scale your walls, then a wheeled option might be a good choice. They do tend to be less expensive.

This isn’t to say that there are not wheeled options that can climb walls, because there are. Traditionally though, you’ll be better off with a tracked model, in my opinion.

Why Robot Pool Cleaners Are Better

First off, I want to emphasis that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using a regular pool vacuum. They work fine and have been used for decades with no real problems. But, this website is all about using robots to perform your daily chores, so, on we go!

PROs Of Robot Pool Cleaners

  • Use sensors to more efficiently clean your pool
  • Save you time
  • Easy to schedule and use
  • No strain on your shoulders or back
  • Control the bot with a remote control or phone app

Using Sensors – Probably the biggest feature that sets a robot pool cleaner apart from traditional options is the use of smart sensors.

The sensors allow the robot to maneuver around your pool, making sure it cleans the entire area.

The sensors can also let the robot know if it reaches the water line, so it knows to turn around and continue cleaning, instead of coming out of the water.

Some models can also sense if the robot is currently cleaning the pool’s floor or if it is climbing a wall. Knowing this allows the robot to clean differently based on the surface.

Programming and schedules – another huge benefit of the robot pool cleaner is the ability to set up regular schedules. This really helps you to automate the pool cleaning experience.

Saving time and effort – The main reason to use a robot for any chore is to save you time and effort. Pool cleaning robots save you the hassle of manually cleaning your pool.

Yes, there is maintenance involved that takes a little time, but overall, you are still coming out on top.

CONs Of Robot Pool Cleaners

  • The price 
  • Maintenance

Like most tech-based products, you are going to pay a little more than you would for their traditional counterparts. This is the same with a robot pool cleaner.

On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $600 – $2,000 for a quality robotic pool cleaner.

Maintenance is require on any piece of home automation. This is the same with your robot pool cleaner. You’ll need to remove and clean the filter after each use, empty the tank, and clean any excess dirt or grime from the tracks or wheels.

I still feel like the amount of maintenance required makes this a better option than the old-school method of cleaning your pool.

What To Consider Before Buying A Robot Pool Cleaner

pool robotic cleaners

The first thing you’ll want to consider, when buying a pool cleaning robot, is what kind of pool you have. Different robots have different features, some are better for above-ground pools and others work best for in-ground pools.

You’ll also need to consider how big your pool is. Different models are made to clean different areas and sizes. You don’t want to buy a robot pool cleaner that is equipped to clean 25 ft. pools, when your pool is 50 ft.

You also need to thin about the features in your swimming pool. Are their stairs? Will the robot be cleaning the walls and waterline of the pool? These questions all help determine which pool cleaning robot is right for your home’s pool.

Who Makes The Best Robot Pool Cleaner?

There are several manufacturers out there that make quality robotic pool cleaners. Pretty much every brand has a lineup of various models with different options and offerings.

My personal pick would be something from the Dolphin brand. They have been in the robot cleaner game for years now and make several quality pool pots to pick from.

Polaris also makes some pretty cool and high-tech pool cleaning robots.

Before you select a pool cleaning robot, just make sure you read the over the specs and the manual. Make sure the robot is made for the size and type of pool that you’ll be throwing it into.

So, Are Pool Cleaning Robots Worth It?

In my humble opinion, I do believe that pool cleaning robots are worth it.

While they do carry a hefty upfront price, they also save you hours and hours of pool maintenance.

For me, the longevity of the benefits offset the upfront expense.

What do you think? Do you have and use a robotic pool cleaner? If so, which one and do you like it?
Finding a pool vacuum? don’t worry we covered the best robotic pool cleaners

Thanks for reading and please share the content if you found it helpful.

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Ryan Sneltzer