iRobot Roomba i8+ reviews – is it worth buying? Here’s the answer

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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Multiple iRobot Roomba i8+ reviews help highlight that the vacuum is an upgrade over the i7 due to its HEPA filter, dirtbag, and virtual barrier device. However, many people still need to be convinced if the iRobot i8+ is worth the investment. Here is a thorough iRobot i8+ review to help you make an informed decision.

Roomba i8+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum

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Cleaning Power

The Roomba i8 plus has innovative Dirt Detect technology that ensures that the vacuum prioritizes cleaning the dirtiest areas of your home. The iRobot Home App allows for spot-clean capabilities. If you cause an accidental spill, the Roomba i8+ will immediately clean up the mess.

The Smart Mapping technology helps you outline high-traffic areas. The iRobot i8+ will study the map and focus on cleaning those areas. The Roomba i8 plus review gets high marks for its cleaning power because of its 3-stage cleaning system. The vacuum has enhanced power suction features and a dynamic brush that cleans dirt on walls and between cracks. The iRobot i8+ also has versatile rubber brushes that adapt to various floor types and debris.

Battery Power

The iRobot Roomba i8+ has excellent battery life. Its battery power is considered at the top of the market. The i8+ Roomba is considered a clear upgrade over the Roomba i7 in this category. The Roomba i8+ provides almost two hours of elite performance on a single charge. However, there have been some complaints regarding the recharge time. The average recharge time for the i8+ Roomba is over 90 minutes. The lengthy recharge time has caused some consumers to continue using an older model or search for an alternative. The i8+ has sensors that notify you about the current battery level.

Noise Level

The Roomba i8 plus has 60dba, which is relatively quiet for high-end robot vacuums. The i8+ does swift work, a big part of its appeal.

Suction Power

It is one area where iRobot Roomba i8+ reviews may give some consumers pause about whether it’s the right fit. The iRobot i8+ receives average reviews for its suction power. The suction inlet is high, which makes it difficult to seal things. Most of the vacuum’s other features have high grades, but this is a cause for concern.

User Friendliness

The next part of the iRobot Roomba i8+ review is its ease of use. The iRobot Roomba i8 plus uses a similar adaptive system as other recent models. The vacuum has optical sensors that help guide the vacuum in different areas. The i8+ uses organized cleaning patterns. It’s compatible with multiple types of furniture, including tables, chairs, and lightweight carpets. Due to the iRobot Roomba i8+ compact frame, you can use it anywhere. While it’s heavier than you may expect for a portable vacuum, the Roomba i8+ has a carrying handle that allows you to quickly transport it to different areas of your home. Be aware, though, that the i8+ can’t climb stairs.


The iRobot Roomba i8+ is durable thanks to its impressive build. The body is made from quality plastic and has strong rubber wheels.


The iRobot Roomba i8+ is priced from $750-$800.

Key Features

  • Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal

The iRobot Roomba i8+ has Automatic Dirt Disposal features that automatically allow the vacuum to empty itself for over two months. The iRobot has an enclosed bag system that prevents you from handling dust during the specified time.

  • Enhance AI

The iRobot Roomba i8+ has enhanced Artificial Intelligence. Smart Mapping technology allows you to design high-priority clean zones so that the vacuum directs most of the attention to specific areas. The iRobot i8+ also has to Keep Out zones that send signals to the vacuum to avoid certain areas around the home. The Keep Out zones protect the vacuum from potentially sustaining severe damage.

  • Link Technology

The iRobot i8+ Roomba is compatible with different robot mops. It allows users to enjoy a thorough cleaning experience. You also can create an auto-cleaning schedule. You can set the vacuum to clean different areas while you’re away from home. You can also customize the cleaning schedule based on the season.

Roomba i8+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum

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Final Thoughts For Roomba i8+ Review

The i8+ Roomba has many high-level features, such as self-emptying capabilities. The real drawback is low suction power, but if that isn’t a significant issue for you, this vacuum is worth the financial investment.

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Ryan Sneltzer