Litter Robot 3 Vs Cat Genie – Which Self-Cleaning Litter Box Is Best?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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If you own a cat, or cats, you know that changing the litter box is really the only maintenance that they require. Cats are extremely self-sufficient, and aside from the occasion cuddle and some food, they really don’t need much to get by.

But what about the litter box? No one loves to clean the litter box out. If you are like me, you have researched the various self-cleaning litter boxes out there, to see how you can get away from performing this daily chore.

So let’s talk about two of the top self-cleaning litter boxes on the market and which one I think is the best option.

If you just want the answer: I would pick the Litter Robot 3 Connect. Read on to see why I would go with it over the Cat Genie.

Table of Contents

How Often Should You Change Your Cat’s Litter?

According to the Human Society, you should be scooping your cat’s poop out of the litter box every single day. 

Obviously, if you have more than one cat using the same litter box, then you’ll need to up your frequency. For multiple cats, I’d recommend scoop out the litter box at least twice a day, if not more.

Naturally, if the smell is noticeable you need to do it sooner. No one likes to small poop in your house.

It is recommended that you empty the entire litter box at least twice a week and replace it with fresh litter. You should also scrub down the litter box with some warm water and dish soap. This will help keep your cat’s litter box from developing a lasting odor.

The Types of Cat Litter

When it comes to litter for your cat’s litter box, there are basically four options – traditional clay, clumping clay litter, crystal/gel based or biodegradable. 

Once your cat starts using a certain kind of litter do not switch to another. This is a great way to confuse your cat and make them stop using the litter box.

Clay Cat Litter – probably the most common type of cat litter, it uses bentonite, which is a naturally found clay that clumps when wet. This makes it easy to scoop out urine and poop from the litter.

Non-Clumping Clay Litter – this is a cheaper option than the popular clumping clay option. As you can guess, it does not clump when your cat uses it. This makes it harder to clean, though it typically does last a bit longer.

Crystal/Gel Based Litter – this is the type the guy at Petsmart will probably recommend. It is a bit more expensive. This litter isn’t dusty and it does clump nicely. Some even change in color when wet so you can spot used areas of the litter.

Plant Based/Biodegradable Litter – typically derived from wheat or corn, the natural litter options do not tend to clump as nicely as the others. They can run a bit more in cost as well. It is expensive to keep Mother Earth happy, after all. Some cats will not like the way this litter feels and may refuse to go to the bathroom in it.

I generally recommend either the clumping clay cat litter or the crystal litter. They clump up the best and make for easier cleaning.

Litter Robot 3 Review

The Litter Robot is really a great invention for the cat lovers out there. It makes it so you never have to get your hands dirty again when scooping out those clumps of pee and poop. 


How The Litter Robot Works

  1. Your cat does his or her business.
  2. The Litter Robot uses the weight of your cat to know when the cat has left the unit.
  3. After a few minutes the Litter Robot goes to work.
  4. The robots turns and rotates to sift the clean litter, while collecting any clumps that have formed.
  5. The dirty clumps are dropped below into the removable bin.
  6. The clean litter is then recycled back into the main compartment for the next time your cat needs to go.

Frequently Asked Questions On The Litter Robot

Q: Can the Litter Robot be used with kittens?  

A: Since the Litter Robot uses your cat’s weight to know when the unit is being used, it really depends on your kitten’s size and weight.  Kitten that weigh less than 5 pounds might not be heavy enough to engage the unit.

Q: Is there a weight limit for the Litter Robot?

A: No, there is no weight limit on the Litter Robot.

Q: Do I need special litter for the Litter Robot?

A: Nope. You can use any kind of clumping litter. Non-clumping litters will not work.

Q: Does the Litter Robot work with multiple cats?

A: Yes. Cats can share the Litter Robot, just like a regular litter box. It is recommended no more than 4 cats share one litter box. 

Litter Robot 3 vs Litter Robot 3 Connect

What makes the Litter Robot 3 different from the other versions, well the Litter Robot 3 Connect has an app and uses wifi. Of course it does, right? It is 2020 and everything uses an app.

Using The Litter Robot 3 App

If your great grandparents could see you now – using an app for your cat’s poop box. Welcome to the sophisticated future!

All joking aside, the Litter Robot app is pretty cool. Is it necessary? Probably not, but how many apps are now days?

The app lets you track the data from the Litter Robot so you can see how often your cat is doing his or her business. Exciting, huh?

Ok, maybe not so much, but it definitely can be handy if you have an elderly cat that needs monitoring. You can also share that info with your cat’s veterinarian. 

You can also control the Litter Robot 3 from your phone, making it manually clean whenever you like. If things are getting stinky, you can hit a button and make the robot do its thing, sending the clumps to the litter pan.

PROs of the Litter Robot 3

  • The new wifi connection and app is a cool addon. Being able to manually cycle the machine from your phone is a nice touch.
  • The Litter Robot just looks nice. Very sleek and futuristic looking.
  • The mechanics work well. During my 2 weeks with the Litter Robot, I never had any glitches, jams, or any other problems with the unit.
  • Works with multiple cats.
  • Never have to scoop clumps again!

CONs of the Litter Robot 3

The price. You can buy a regular litter box for like $20 at your local pet store. The Litter Robot 3 is going to run you close to $500. 

Yes, you get some cool features and perks for that price tag, but for most people that will be a bit too pricey.

Final Thoughts On The Litter Robot

$500 is a lot to spend on a litter box, albeit a very cool and handy litter box. If you have $500 burning a hole in your pocket, then I say go for and get the Litter Robot 3 Connect. If I were to spend the money on one of these I’d splurge for the version with the wifi connection and app capabilities.

Being able to manually start the cleaning cycle from the app is a pretty feature. 

If the Litter Robot 3 is the right choice for you, check out there website for the different options. 

Cat Genie Review

Now let us move on to the other automatic litter box, the Cat Genie. So the Cat Genie is much different than the Litter Robot. It is the only litter box that can flush its own litter. It is a pretty idea.

It still saves you from having to scoop the poop out manually, but it isn’t as high tech as the Litter Robot.

How The Cat Genie Works

  1. Your cat makes potty.
  2. The Cat Genie senses that your cat has left the litter box.
  3. The bowl starts to rotate and the scooping arm goes into action, scooping clumps.
  4. Next the special sanitizing solution fills the bowl, which basically goes into washing machine mode. The bowl vibrates and shakes.
  5. The solution and waste get flushed out of the bowl, through the hose and into the toilet or drain that you set the hose in.
  6. Next the bowl heats up to dry the bowl and remaining litter.

Frequently Asked Questions On The Cat Genie

Q: Do I need a special cat litter for the Cat Genie?

A: Yes. You can ONLY use the plastic granules specifically made for the Cat Genie.

Q: Does the Cat Genie dispose of all waste in the litter box?

A: Yes. The Cat Genie will flush a dispose of all waste, wet and dry.

Q: How many cats can use a Cat Genie litter box?

A: It is recommended that no more than 2 cats use a Cat Genie.

Q: How long does the whole cleaning process take?

A: Approximately 30 minutes from start to finish.

Q: How do solids get flushed through the hose?

A: Solid wastes are ground up before getting disposed of.

More On Setting Up The Cat Genie

litter robot vs cat genie

I want to talk a little bit more about the initial set up of the Cat Genie, because it is a bit cumbersome. Frankly, it will probably turn a lot of consumers away from this product.

Unlike the Litter Robot, that you simply plug in, the Cat Genie needs a few more steps.

Before You Can Plug The Cat Genie In

  1. You have to hook the unit up to a cold water line in your home.
  2. Then you need to run the disposal hose from the unit to a toilet or drain.
  3. Now you can plug the unit in and get the settings set up how you want them.

Since the Cat Genie needs a water line to hook into, as well a place to dispose of the waste, you are limited to where you can place the unit. You are pretty much restricted to a bathroom or utility room.

If you run the Cat Genie into your toilet, the disposed of waste and excess litter granules will just kind of float there until someone flushes the toilet. So if you have it set to dispose of the waste every couple hours, while you are at work, you are coming home to a pretty gross scene in your toilet.

PROs Of The Cat Genie Litter Box

  • You don’t have to scoop clumps out by hand anymore.
  • It is a cool idea, with the solution and washable granules. 

CONs of the Cat Genie

  • It has to hook up to a water line.
  • You have to run a disposal hose into the toilet or drain.
  • You are limited on what rooms it can go in.
  • It is rather noisy.
  • It is large and bulky and might not fit nicely next to your toilet.
  • The scooper can miss some waste. Likewise, it can dispose of some of the reusable granules, which costs money.
  • Long cleaning process of 30-45 minutes. This means you may need an actual back up litter box in case your cat needs to go while it is in cleaning mode.
  • Pricey. The unit itself is around $300. But you also have to buy the solution and the litter granules. They both run around $25 and you’ll probably need to restock on each about every 2-3 months.

Final Thoughts On The Cat Genie

The idea of not having to use your hands to remove your cat’s poop is very enticing. But do I think it is worth it if you have to go through all of the steps needed to set up the Cat Genie? No, I do not.

For me, the Cat Genie is a very cool idea. I mean, a litter box that automatically removes poop and flushes itself is simply cool. But, there are just too many cons for me.

Having to set it up in only a room with access to a water line and a toilet or drain is a huge restrictor. Having to hook into your water line by itself is a big turnoff for me. 

It also is not that cheap, coming in around $300. And that is for the unit. You also have to purchase the special litter that goes with it. And while those washable granules are pretty cool, you have to keep buying them every couple of months. You also have to purchase the cleaning solution that is used to flush the bowl out. So add on another $25 every 2 or 3 months. It all adds up fast.

So for me, the Cat Genie is a no go. Cool concept, but just not worth the setup, effort, and continued expenses.

If you still think this is the self-cleaning litter box for you, then check it out here.

Litter Robot Vs Cat Genie – Which Should You Pick?

If I am the one spending the money on a self-cleaning litter box for me cat, then I am going with the Litter Robot. More specifically, I am buying the Litter Robot 3 Connect. 

I really like the idea of being able to manually start the cleaning process from the app on my phone.  

I also just think the Litter Robot looks much more stylish than the Cat Genie. I find the Cat Genie to be bulky, oddly shaped, and kind of an eye sore. 

When it comes to price, yes that $500 sticker is a bit of a shock on the Litter Robot. But, at least it doesn’t have the reoccurring costs that come with the Cat Genie litter box. Those costs actually add up, making the Cat Genie more expensive in the end.

Do you own either of these self-cleaning litter boxes? If so, which one and are you, and your cat, happy with the purchase?

Let me know in the comments. If you liked this article, please give it a share or check out some of my other robot-related articles on this site. 

Thanks for reading!

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Ryan Sneltzer