Roomba 655 Pet Series Review: Is It Tailor-Made For Pet Owners?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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In the world of automated vacuum cleaners, iRobot’s Roomba series has made a name for itself. The Roomba 655 Pet Series, in particular, stands out as a model designed specifically for pet owners. This in-depth review will provide insights into the key features, advantages, and potential limitations of the Roomba 655 Pet Series, helping potential buyers make an informed decision.

Key Features of Roomba 655 Pet Series

iRobot Roomba 655 Vacuum Cleaning
  • Powerful suction, effective at pet hair removal
  • Compatible with smartphones for convenient use
  • Large dirt bin for less frequent emptying
  • Relatively noisy during operation
  • Can struggle with cliff detection technology
  • Regular maintenance required for optimal functionality
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Innovative Design

The Roomba 655 Pet Series exhibits a compact and sleek design, enabling it to effortlessly move around furniture and through tight spaces. Its low-profile further allows it to clean under low-hanging furniture.

Powerful Suction

This model is known for its superior suction capabilities, designed to efficiently pick up pet hair and other debris. This makes it an ideal choice for households with pets.

Smartphone Compatibility

The Roomba 655 Pet Series can be remotely controlled via a smartphone app. This feature allows users to schedule cleaning sessions and monitor the vacuum’s status, adding a level of convenience to your cleaning tasks.

Large Dust Bin

Equipped with a large dust bin, the Roomba 655 Pet Series can perform longer cleaning sessions with fewer interruptions to empty the bin.

Performance Review of the Roomba 655 Pet Series

This section delves into the performance of the Roomba 655 Pet Series, exploring its cleaning efficiency, navigation, battery life, and adaptability to various floor types.

Cleaning Efficiency

Roomba 655 Pet Series stands out for its cleaning efficiency. It is equipped with a 3-stage cleaning system that loosens, lifts, and suctions dirt, dust, and pet hair from carpets and hard floors. Its dual multi-surface brushes work together to grab dirt from your floors, making it highly effective in removing pet hair and other debris.


The Roomba 655 Pet Series utilizes iAdapt Navigation technology, enabling it to move around the house seamlessly. It uses sensors to navigate under and around furniture and along edges while avoiding stairs and other drop-offs. However, its cliff detection technology may sometimes misread dark-colored floors as drop-offs, leading the robot to avoid these areas.

Battery Life and Charging

The battery life of the Roomba 655 Pet Series is generally reliable, allowing for cleaning sessions up to 90 minutes before automatically docking and recharging. However, some users have noted that the battery life might decrease over time, requiring more frequent charging.

Performance on Different Floor Types

Roomba 655 Pet Series is designed to clean various types of flooring, including carpets, hardwood, tile, and laminate. It automatically adjusts its height to effectively clean different surfaces. The powerful suction does a good job on carpets, while the sweeping edge brush gets into corners and along edges on hard floors.

Noise Level

It’s worth noting that while the Roomba 655 Pet Series is hard at work, its noise level is higher compared to some other robotic vacuums. If noise is a significant concern, it may be best to schedule the vacuum’s run time during periods when the noise won’t be disruptive.

Pricing and Value

Having tested the Roomba 655, I can say that its price aligns well with the value it provides. Its specialized pet hair cleaning capabilities and smart navigation features are worth the investment. Although it’s not the most affordable robot vacuum, its performance, ease of use, and durability justify the cost. Especially for pet owners, the persistent issue of pet hair is effectively addressed by this model, making it a worthwhile purchase.

iRobot Roomba 655 Vacuum Cleaning
  • Powerful suction, effective at pet hair removal
  • Compatible with smartphones for convenient use
  • Large dirt bin for less frequent emptying
  • Relatively noisy during operation
  • Can struggle with cliff detection technology
  • Regular maintenance required for optimal functionality
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Final Verdict

The Roomba 655 Pet Series is a powerful and feature-rich robotic vacuum cleaner, especially effective for handling pet hair. However, its higher noise levels and some issues with its cliff detection technology should be taken into account. Depending on the specific needs of the user, such as the presence of pets or a preference for smartphone compatibility, the Roomba 655 Pet Series could be an excellent choice for automated home cleaning.

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Ryan Sneltzer