Shark EZ AV911S Review: Smart Vacuum Worth Your Dime?

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Written by: Ryan Sneltzer
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Looking for a hassle-free cleaning experience? The Shark EZ AV911S could be your answer. In this review, we’re putting this robot vacuum to the test, checking out its features, and seeing if it can truly take the chore out of your floor cleaning routine. Let’s find out if it’s worth the investment.

Best for Pet Owners
Shark AV911S EZ

  • Great for pet hair
  • Excellent navigation
  • Easy to set up
  • No virtual barriers or mapping features
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Key Features of the Shark EZ AV911S

In every corner of your home, the Shark EZ AV911S boasts features designed for ease and efficiency. Let’s explore each one to see what this vacuum brings to your cleaning routine:

  • Self-Emptying Base: It boasts a base that self-empties the vacuum’s bin, storing several weeks of dirt for your convenience.
  • Smart Sensor Navigation: With advanced sensors, it maps your home for a comprehensive clean, leaving no area untouched.
  • User-Friendly Controls: Offers ease of control through a mobile app or voice commands, integrating smoothly with smart home systems.
  • Extended Battery Life: On a full charge, the vacuum runs for an impressive 100 minutes, ideal for tackling larger homes or detailed cleanups.
  • Adaptable Floor Transitioning: It adjusts its cleaning approach as it moves from carpets to hardwood, ensuring a consistent clean.
  • Powerful Suction Ability: Engineered with strong suction, it is capable of picking up a wide range of debris, from fine dust to larger particles.
  • Efficient Filtration System: Features a multi-stage filtration system that traps dust and allergens, helping to keep your home’s air quality clean.
  • Intelligent Auto-Recharge: The vacuum automatically heads back to its dock to recharge when low on battery, then picks up cleaning where it left off.

Performance Assessment 

Diving deeper into each aspect of its performance will give us a clear picture of its strengths and areas where it may fall short.

  • Cleaning Performance on Different Floor Types: Excelling on hard surfaces, adept at removing pet hair and fine particles. On carpets, handles everyday dirt well, but less effective for deep cleaning on plush carpets.
  • Mapping and Navigation: Uses smart sensor technology for methodical mapping and orderly coverage. Efficient navigation, though complex layouts might challenge its pathfinding (lacks LIDAR).
  • Battery Capacity and Run Time: Offers a generous run time of up to 100 minutes per charge. Suitable for large homes, ensuring thorough cleaning with fewer recharges.
  • Maintenance and Convenience Features: Features a self-emptying base. Offers intuitive controls via app or voice command, reducing maintenance demands.
  • Noise Level: Operates at a low noise level, ideal for maintaining quiet environments during cleaning.
Best for Pet Owners
Shark AV911S EZ

  • Great for pet hair
  • Excellent navigation
  • Easy to set up
  • No virtual barriers or mapping features
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Pricing and Value

At the $499.99 price point on Amazon, the Shark EZ AV911S offers a robust set of features, striking a balance between efficiency and user-friendliness. Its price is justified by its performance, smart navigation, and ease of maintenance, positioning it as a valuable contender in the mid-range market.

Final Verdict

The Shark EZ AV911S stands out as a capable mid-range robot vacuum, adeptly balancing functionality and affordability. Firstly, it boasts user-friendly maintenance and operation, making it accessible and easy to use. Additionally, it delivers consistent performance across a range of surfaces, ensuring a thorough clean regardless of floor type. Furthermore, it accomplishes its tasks with minimal noise, making it ideal for maintaining a peaceful home environment. While it may not feature the most advanced navigation technology and lacks a HEPA filter, its solid performance, combined with the convenience of the self-emptying feature, renders it a worthwhile choice for routine cleaning tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can the Shark EZ AV911S handle long pet hair without tangling?

The Shark EZ AV911S is designed with a self-cleaning brushroll that effectively picks up long pet hair on various surfaces with minimal tangling.

How does the Shark EZ AV911S navigate around furniture and obstacles?

It uses Smart Sensor Navigation to map out your home and navigate around obstacles, although it may not be as precise as models with LIDAR navigation.

Can the Shark EZ AV911S clean under furniture?

Yes, its compact design allows it to clean under most furniture, although clearance under very low-profile items may be restricted.

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Ryan Sneltzer